What has changed?
With the number of assessment methods reduced from five to two, centres and apprentices can expect a more relevant assessment experience that clearly links the on-programme learning with the EPA event.
With the removal of the knowledge test and competency based interview, replaced by a project proposal and professional discussion, there has been a definite shift in the assessment approach.
Supporting documents
Download the full Operations/Departmental Manager Apprenticeship Assessment Plan
Download our guide to the Operations/Departmental Manager Apprenticeship standard
Download the EPA Pack, mapping document and recording form by logging into Walled Garden (existing customers only)
What is involved in the new Level 5 End-point assessment?
The EPA consists of 2 discrete assessment methods:
Assessment method 1: Project proposal, presentation and questions & answers
Apprentices will produce a project proposal and presentation. The project proposal and presentation will be carried out after the apprentice has gone through the gateway.
A project proposal involves the apprentice completing a relevant and defined piece of work that has a real business benefit. Apprentices will prepare and deliver a presentation that, along with the proposal, appropriately covers the KSBs assigned to this method of assessment. It will be followed by questioning from the independent ILM assessor.
The project proposal will be 4,000 words (+/- 10% at the apprentice’s discretion) including tables, graphs, figures, though excluding references and annexes. The apprentice will have 12 weeks to write and submit the proposal and the presentation following the ILM City & Guild’s approval of the project proposal’s scope and title.
Apprentices will also prepare and deliver a presentation that appropriately covers the KSBs assigned to this method of assessment. The presentation should be submitted at the same time as the project proposal.
Presentation delivery
The presentation must be submitted with the project proposal 12 weeks after the gateway. The apprentice will be given 2 weeks’ notice of the presentation date to allow the independent ILM assessor sufficient time to review the project proposal and presentation and prepare appropriate questions.
The presentation and questioning will take 60 minutes. The independent ILM assessor has the discretion to increase the time of the presentation and questioning by up to 10% to allow the apprentice to complete their last answer. The presentation will typically last for 20 minutes, and the questioning will typically last for 40 minutes. The discretionary additional 10% time can be allocated in any proportion across the presentation and questioning.
Assessment method 2: Professional discussion underpinned by a portfolio of evidence
This assessment will take the form of a professional discussion which will be appropriately structured to draw out the best of the apprentice’s competence and excellence and cover the KSBs assigned to this assessment method.
A professional discussion is a two-way discussion between the Independent ILM Assessor and the apprentice to assess the apprentice’s in-depth understanding of their work. The professional discussion should be led by the apprentice but involves both the Independent ILM Assessor and the apprentice actively listening and participating in a formal conversation. The Independent ILM Assessor will give the apprentice the opportunity to make detailed and proactive contributions to confirm their competency across the KSBs assigned to this method.
Professional discussion delivery
The underpinning portfolio is submitted at Gateway and must evidence all of the KSBs mapped to this assessment method. The Independent ILM Assessor can use the contents of the portfolio to identify discussion areas for the professional discussion.
The professional discussion will last 60 minutes. The Independent ILM Assessor has the discretion to increase the time of the professional discussion by up to 10% to allow the apprentice to complete their last answer. Further time may be granted for apprentices with appropriate needs, in accordance with our Reasonable Adjustments Policy.
How is the assessment graded?
To achieve a pass overall, the apprentice must achieve a pass in both assessment methods by meeting all the pass grading descriptors.
To achieve a distinction overall, the apprentice must achieve a distinction in both assessment methods by meeting all of the distinction grading descriptors.
Grades from individual assessment methods will be combined in the following way to determine the grade of the EPA as a whole.
Assessment method 1
Presentation with questions and answers
Assessment method 2
Professional Discussion underpinned by a portfolio of evidence
Overall grading
What is required at Gateway?
- Gateway declaration form
- Declaration of authentication
- Portfolio of evidence
- Portfolio Evidence Matrix
- Evidence of English and maths
How much does the EPA service cost?
For information on the cost of our End Point Assessment Service for the Operations / Departmental Manager Apprenticeship Standard, please refer to this guide to fees document.