Assessment & Resources

Training resources

Create great development programmes for your leadership, management and coaching programmes with our range of top-notch training resources.

A full range of games, activities, psychometric tests and workbooks makes delivering great qualifications even easier.

Training resources

Assessment guidance

We know assessment can be a difficult period for candidates. So during this time, we're here to offer our full support and guidance for ILM centres and employers to make the process easier, quicker and more consistent for you and your learners.

Our full step by step guide to the assessment process on these pages will help make sure you get the most from assessment.

Support and guidance


Need help uncovering funding options? Find out what you need to know here.

Funding information

ILM assessment service

The ILM Assessment service is available for 25 of our popular qualifications, including Leadership and Management from Levels 2 to 5 and Coaching and Mentoring.

ILM's expert assessors are on hand to provide the support you need during busy periods or whenever assessment becomes a burden.

The ILM Assessment Service allows you to concentrate on delivering great courses while we take the administration burden out of assessment.

ILM Assessment Service

Find documents for your qualifications

Need a qualification specification, Q card, assignment or mark sheet? Find what you're looking for with our document search and download to your desktop

Find your qualification documents

Contact us

Want to know more about what ILM can do for your business? Please request a call back. An expert will be in touch within two working days. 

Get in touch

+44 (0)1924 206709

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Addressing the leadership lag: ILM Manifesto

Leadership Lag cover

Download our Manifesto