Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently asked questions on ILM's Team Leader and Management apprenticeship offer, including qualifications, end point assessment and learning resources

Got a question about management apprenticeships? Our FAQs section is here to help. If there's still something you're not sure on, please get in touch with us and we'd be happy to help

  • On-programme delivery

    How can we find a training provider? 
    We can help you choose the appropriate program and ILM-Approved provider from a register of Approved Training providers – quality approved by ourselves and by the ESFA to deliver apprenticeship training. Find a training provider here or check the ILM Register of Approved Apprenticeship Training Providers.

    How do you decide who goes on your list of training providers? 
    Each standard also has a recommended duration within the standard and assessment plan, based on the content contained in the standard (it is not mandatory to adhere to the recommendation). All new trailblazer apprenticeship standards and assessment plans along with recommendations can be found on

    What is the minimum length of an apprenticeship? 
    The minimum length of any Apprenticeship is 12 months. Only once an apprentice has completed the 12 months training can they sit the End-point assessment (EPA). Each standard also has a recommended duration within the standard and assessment plan, based on the content contained in the standard (it is not mandatory to adhere to the recommendation).

    Can my existing training be used for the new standards? 
    Our experienced team of commercial and quality experts can work with you to review your existing programmes and identify opportunities to align them to the new standards.

    Can I deliver qualifications as part of the apprenticeship, and is it funded?
    You have the option to deliver qualifications as part of the on-programme element of the apprenticeship. Qualification registration fees are not currently eligible for apprenticeship funding however the actual delivery, including the materials and assessment costs, are eligible for funding. The registration cost is a very small percentage of the overall funding, and the responsibility for payment may be negotiated between an employer and a provider.

    Does ILM offer degree apprenticeships?  
    Yes we do. We work with a wide range of universities and other higher education institutions to map their delivery to ILM qualifications from Levels 4 to 7 that are at a level suitable for both degree and master’s degrees. We are also approved to offer end-point assessment for CMDA to SLMDA.

    Aren’t apprenticeships supposed to be for new staff?
    Apprenticeships are a good way to attract and identify new staff, but they can also be used to upskill existing employees and help them reach their potential.

  • Learning Resources

    Can we spend the apprenticeship funding (including the levy) on learning resources?
    Yes. You can use apprenticeship levy funds on any training activity that meets the requirements of the standards, and this can be purchased from a third party. ILM’s learning resources are specifically developed to cover the knowledge and skills outlined in the standards and are therefore eligible for funding. NB: this should form part of a delivery approach which blends online learning with face-to-face contact.

    What learning resources do you offer?
    We offer a variety of tools for employers or training providers offering management apprenticeships at all levels. For more details and to see samples of our training resources page see here.

  • Gateway to EPA (including English and Maths)

    What documentation do you require to put the apprentice through the gateway?
    Before the apprentice goes through the gateway, they will need to have fulfilled all the requirements of the standard. This includes making sure that the English and Maths requirements have been met and that the learner has been on-programme for a minimum of 12 months They will need to ensure that all evidence, including the portfolio, is shared with ILM as the End-point Assessment Organisation in advance of the EPA, so that the independent assessor can review the materials and prepare questions ready to run the assessment.

    Will ILM share any guidance to help determine when an apprentice is ready to progress through the gateway?
    The judgement about when an apprentice is ready for gateway assessment is entirely the responsibility of the provider and employer who must agree up front what 'ready' looks like. Specifically, the assessment plan states that the employer and provider confirm that the learner has met the requirements of the on-programme element.

    ILM cannot directly contribute to the decision about whether an apprentice is ready. ILM will provide Centres with a range of materials and tools to develop and prepare apprentices for EPA. We have custom built our new qualifications to assess the entirety of each standard, so completion of the relevant ILM qualification is a strong indication that the apprentice is ready to go through the gateway. Passing the mock assessment is also a valuable indicator of whether someone is ready.

    What are the English and Maths requirements to pass through the gateway and what evidence to we need?
    As we are bound by ESFA rules, we need to see evidence that learners have met the English and Maths requirements as outlined in the standard. Only certain ESFA-approved qualifications are acceptable, you can find these here.

    We can accept the following types of evidence: 
    • full certificate or e-certificate
    • statement of results issued by an awarding organisation
    • screenshot of the awarding organisation’s system showing the qualification has been achieved/awarded
    • copy of the personal learner record.
    If you wish to submit evidence in an alternative format, we recommend that you contact the ESFA at the earliest opportunity, ideally well before the Gateway stage is reached.
  • End-point assessment
    How can we register with ILM for End point assessment?
    Find out more about EPA with ILM in our manual, or to speak to someone contact us here

    Who is assessing the quality of End Point Assessment of the Management Apprenticeship Standards? 
    Currently the Institute for Apprenticeships is responsible for external quality assurance of End Point Assessment organisations delivering EPA for the management standards. The trailblazer group has asked Ofqual to undertake the EQA role in the long-term and discussions are currently underway to enable this. We also actively take part in standardisation activities with our fellow EPA organisations. 

    Can we make adjustments for learners with particular access requirements or additional needs? 
    ILM has a policy to enable reasonable adjustments and special considerations for learners who have special needs. Please refer the EPA manual.

    When should we register our Apprentices with ILM for End Point Assessment? 
    We encourage customers to register apprentices as early as possible. Customers should plan to book apprentices for EPA once they have passed through the gateway, at least three months in advance of their anticipated assessment period. Lead times for End Point Assessment will depend on the volume of apprentices you are registering.

    How long will EPA take? 
    We expect to typically carry out all components of an End Point Assessment within one or two days. We will be able to confirm anticipated timescales at the point of registration.

    Will questions be available for a mock end point assessment?
    Yes, mock EPA questions are made available to help learners prepare.
  • We want to help you get started on your apprenticeship journey. Request a call back or email us and we'll be in touch within two days.

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    *All ILM qualifications are awarded by The City and Guilds of London Institute which was founded in 1878 and is incorporated by Royal Charter.


Apprenticeship support

Online resources exclusively for ILM management apprentices, tutors and centres - a career development platform, development videos and related workbooks.

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+44 (0)1924 206709