How can we find a training provider?
We can help you choose the appropriate program and ILM-Approved provider from a register of Approved Training providers – quality approved by ourselves and by the ESFA to deliver apprenticeship training. Find a training provider here or check the ILM Register of Approved Apprenticeship Training Providers.
How do you decide who goes on your list of training providers?
Each standard also has a recommended duration within the standard and assessment plan, based on the content contained in the standard (it is not mandatory to adhere to the recommendation). All new trailblazer apprenticeship standards and assessment plans along with recommendations can be found on
What is the minimum length of an apprenticeship?
The minimum length of any Apprenticeship is 12 months. Only once an apprentice has completed the 12 months training can they sit the End-point assessment (EPA). Each standard also has a recommended duration within the standard and assessment plan, based on the content contained in the standard (it is not mandatory to adhere to the recommendation).
Can my existing training be used for the new standards?
Our experienced team of commercial and quality experts can work with you to review your existing programmes and identify opportunities to align them to the new standards.
Can I deliver qualifications as part of the apprenticeship, and is it funded?
You have the option to deliver qualifications as part of the on-programme element of the apprenticeship. Qualification registration fees are not currently eligible for apprenticeship funding however the actual delivery, including the materials and assessment costs, are eligible for funding. The registration cost is a very small percentage of the overall funding, and the responsibility for payment may be negotiated between an employer and a provider.
Does ILM offer degree apprenticeships?
Yes we do. We work with a wide range of universities and other higher education institutions to map their delivery to ILM qualifications from Levels 4 to 7 that are at a level suitable for both degree and master’s degrees. We are also approved to offer end-point assessment for CMDA to SLMDA.
Aren’t apprenticeships supposed to be for new staff?
Apprenticeships are a good way to attract and identify new staff, but they can also be used to upskill existing employees and help them reach their potential.