3D Leadership Hub

In recent months – years even - examples of both good and bad leadership styles have dominated the news agenda. The question of what really makes a good leader is the subject of numerous debates – with everyone from political party leaders to start-up CEOs implicated.
But so often the actual substance of what enables individuals to be a positive influence, and to achieve things through those around them, is overlooked. To try and bring the focus back to the unique, tangible qualities that make up the best leaders, we wanted to drill down into the skills, behaviours and learning that sit behind what we mean by ‘leader’.
Leadership isn’t just a word or a single quality; being a leader involves a huge number of different skills and attributes, each of which may have developed in different ways. By taking a three dimensional view, we can identify the core capabilities that make up the most effective leaders that are so crucial for achieving organisational success.
John Williams, ILM Director of Digital Strategy, Marketing and Research
What type of leaders do we need, and why do we need to look at leadership more holistically? This latest report from ILM – the UK’s leading specialist provider of leadership qualifications takes a look at what more than 2,000 full and part-time employees with decision-making responsibilities think of the leadership within their organisations and what makes it effective. What type of leaders are required as we embark on the Fourth Industrial Revolution?
3D Leadership Report
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