Level 5 Diploma for Leaders and Managers

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Level 5 Diploma for Leaders and Managers

Ideal for individuals who manage teams or projects and are responsible for achieving operational or departmental goals and objectives as part of their organisation’s strategy.
  • Develop your ability to lead, motivate and inspire to drive better results.
  • Use core management techniques to provide practical leadership and operational management skills.
  • Benchmark your managerial capability against other professionals
  • Raise your professional profile within your organisation
  • Target your learning and development in complete alignment with the latest apprenticeship standards – ensuring all learning is relevant, with no gaps in knowledge.
  • Maximise candidates’ confidence and readiness for End Point Assessment.
  • Reward learner engagement and drive completion with ILM digital credentials.
This qualification has been developed in line with the latest management standards to support candidates undertaking an Operations/Departmental Manager apprenticeship.

This qualification maps fully to the ‘on-programme’ elements of the Operations/Departmental Manager Apprenticeship Standard.

Successful completion of a full Operations/Departmental Manager apprenticeship programme, including this qualification and End Point Assessment, will take 24–30 months.

Full qualification details


We have different sizes of qualification in increasing order of size

Qualification level
Credit Value

The range of credits a learner must undertake to gain this qualification

50 - 50

Details of the qualification, learning time involved and criteria a learner must satisfy

Learners must complete all units and attain 50 credits to achieve this qualification.

Information for ILM centres

For each qualification select the units you want to deliver using the qualification specification builder. The builder does NOT verify if your selection of units meets the ‘rules of combination’. Rules are displayed at the top of each qualification page. If you have any questions about unit combinations please contact ILM Customer Services or your EV.

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