ILM Assessment Portal

The ILM Assessment Portal is a quick and easy way to keep track of assessments you have submitted to us for marking. It’s available to all customers who have signed up to the ILM Assessment service. Customers receive a secure online log-in, which allows them to:
- view learners, whom you have already registered on our ‘Walled Garden’ system against one or more ILM Assessment qualifications;
- upload and submit files securely on behalf of relevant learner(s) for marking;
- track progress of work submitted, including final results and feedback from ILM;
- sort and filter records, to call up information you want when you want it;
- export data Excel, so you can save time on internal management reporting.
The best way to take advantage of the ILM Assessment Portal is by following the basic training below.
We recommend you start with these short webinars, then dip in and out of the Customer Guide as needed. The tool is relatively simple and straightforward.
Our Administrators are also more than happy to offer guidance when you use the new tool.
The ILM Assessment Portal can be found here. Customers who sign up to use it will receive full log-in details from ILM.
Webinar 1a - Submit Unit Assessments
This is your starting point if you submit single unit assessments to ILM for marking. A unit assessment is where each individual submission is marked against a single ILM unit. If the same learner completes two units, for example, these are two separate unit assessments.
Webinar 1b - Submit Integrated Assessments
This webinar will only be relevant to you if you have received our prior approval to submit integrated assessments. This is where the same collection of evidence from an individual learner is marked against multiple units within an ILM Qualification. For example, evidence from a Health and Safety presentation is marked against one unit on Health and Safety and a further unit on effective communication.
Webinar 2 - Use the Tracker
This second webinar is for all Portal users. Learn how to filter and track assessment submissions, then identify and download results.
Customer Guide
Download our step-by-step guide to the Portal
Contact Customer Services