Depending on how detailed the qualification is and how long it might take to complete, most qualifications fall into three sizes:
- Awards are the shortest and most concise qualification, accounting for 10 to 120 hours of learning at a return of 1-12 credits.
- Certificates (130 to 360 hours of learning) provide a broader base of knowledge and skills, and are awarded between 13 and 36 credits.
- Finally, Diplomas are the most comprehensive qualification, with an extensive programme of learning amounting to over 370 hours of learning for 37 or more credits.
Use our interactive tool to help identify the right course for you, or browse our qualifications by subject. Once you have chosen the qualification that's right for you, you can spend your time face-to-face with a training provider, or directed by a tutor in a structured learning environment, combined with your own self-study in preparation for work-based tasks and helping you plan your career development.